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Become a VEVEZ Service Provider! Join the world's largest gastronomy platform and take your business to new heights! VEVEZ is a platform that has received trademark registration in more than 50 countries and provides services in 110 languages. Reaching millions of users around the world, VEVEZ is the perfect marketing and sales channel for restaurants, cafes, bars and other food and beverage businesses. As VEVEZ Service Provider: * Reach new customers from all over the world. * Manage your orders easily. * Communicate directly with your customers. * Increase the reputation and awareness of your business. * Increase your revenues and profitability. To join VEVEZ : 1. Download the Vevez Mobile Application and open an account for yourself through the application. 2. Use your account information to log in to https://business.vevez.com 3. Add your business and menus. 4. Submit your information to Vevez for approval 5. Start taking orders! You do not need to pay any fee to join VEVEZ. Create an account to start using the platform. For more information: * Visit our website: https://www.vevez.com * Email us: info.provider@vevez.com Discover the potential of your business with VEVEZ!
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