Jiwasaxa cookies uka apnaqapxtanwa amuyañataki ukhamaraki askinchañataki experiencia ukanaka jiwasana sitio web ukanxa, personalizar ukaxa kunjamatixa munkta ukhama ukhamaraki lurañataki publicidad ukhamaraki comercialización ukanaka jumanakaru wakicht’ata. Ukhamaraki, "Taqi iyaw saña" ukxaru ch’iqt’aña, ukhamata iyaw sañataki cookies ukanaka apnaqañataki, jani ukaxa Cookies Obligatorias ukanaka apnaqañataki ukhamaraki datos personales ukanaka apsuñataki aka cookies ukanaka tuqi anqäxa markaru; Ukhamaraki, "Cookies apnaqaña" ukxaru ch’iqt’aña, ukhamata apnaqañataki kunatixa wakiski ukaxa lurañataki datos personales ukaxa cookies tuqi apsutawa. Uka tuqitxa juk’ampi yatxatañatakixa, kunatixa lurasiski uka tuqita, ukaxa mä chiqaru ch’iqt’añawa
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Information Text in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law In accordance with this Law on Protection of Personal Data, the Information Text is sent to VEVEZ CO., acting as the data controller. UK. ("VEVEZ") in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law ("Law") to provide explanations and information regarding the processing of personal data of VEVEZ users. According to the Law, personal data is any information regarding “identified or identifiable natural persons”. Processing of personal data refers to "all kinds of operations performed on personal data, including obtaining, recording, storing, changing, sharing with third parties and transferring abroad, by automatic or non-automatic means provided that it is a part of any data recording system." . In order to ensure compliance with the Law, VEVEZ takes the necessary administrative and technical measures by adopting the principles regarding the protection and processing of personal data contained in the relevant legislation. VEVEZ's company policy regarding the protection of personal data is presented to users on the website vevez.com and the mobile application. In order to comply with changing conditions and legislation, changes and updates can be made to the company policy and personal data can be presented to owners through the same channels. 1. Personal Data Collected 1.1. Your personal data you share within the scope of your legal relationship with VEVEZ; They are grouped as follows: Your Identity Information, Your Contact Information, Your Usage Details, Your Financial Information, Your Company Information, Your Location Information, Your Transaction Security, Computer and Mobile Devices, Your Habits, Your Requests, Suggestions and Complaints. 1.2. Data regarding individuals' race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, appearance and clothing, association, foundation or union membership, health, sexual life, criminal conviction and security measures, as well as biometric and genetic data of special quality is personal data. VEVEZ does not collect or process your sensitive personal data in any way. We do not want you to share such data. Do not share your sensitive personal data through any interaction within the scope of your relationship with VEVEZ. 2. Personal Data Processing Principles Vevez complies with the following data processing principles when processing personal data; 2.1. Compliance with the law and the rules of honesty: All data processing activities are carried out with transparency, in accordance with the legislation and the principles of good faith. 2.2. Being accurate and up-to-date when necessary: Channels to ensure that personal data are accurate and up-to-date are always kept open, and effective application methods are offered to relevant persons to correct errors and deficiencies in their processed personal data. 2.3. Processing for specific, clear and legitimate purposes: The purposes for which personal data will be processed are determined in accordance with the legislation and the ordinary course of life, and these purposes are presented to the information of the relevant persons in a transparent and understandable manner. 2.4. Being limited and proportionate to the purposes of processing: Personal data that is not relevant or needed for the purpose of processing personal data is not processed, and personal data processing activities are not carried out to meet possible needs. If the need arises to use the obtained data for other purposes, a new data processing process comes to the fore; The process in question is carried out within the scope of the processing conditions stipulated in the KVKK, as if data processing is started for the first time. 2.5. Storage for the period stipulated in the relevant legislation or required for the purpose for which they are processed: If there is a period stipulated in the legislation for the storage of personal data, this period is complied with; If such a period is not stipulated in the legislation, personal data is stored only for the period necessary for the purposes of processing. 3. Purpose of Processing Personal Data Your personal data collected by VEVEZ will be processed for the following purposes and in a limited and proportionate manner. 3.1. Data is processed to fulfill the contractual conditions regarding the services offered by VEVEZ (delivery of your order to you, execution of the contract you have established with VEVEZ). 3.2. In order to increase user satisfaction with the products and services offered by VEVEZ, to customize them according to the needs and tastes of the users, to recommend them to the relevant people for this purpose, and to implement the necessary activities to promote them; 3.2.1. Planning and/or execution of user satisfaction activities. 3.2.2. Planning and execution of market research activities and surveys for sales and marketing of products and services 3.2.3. Planning and execution of marketing processes of products and/or services 3.2.4. Planning and execution of relevant processes to improve user experience 3.3. In order to benefit users from VEVEZ's products and services and create satisfaction; 3.3.1. Planning and execution of sales processes of products and/or services 3.3.2. Planning and/or execution of after-sales support services activities 3.3.3. Planning and execution of user relationship management processes 3.3.4. Follow-up of contract processes and/or legal requests 3.4. In order to ensure the legal, technical and commercial occupational safety of those who have a business relationship with VEVEZ; 3.4.1. Planning and execution of audit activities 3.4.2. Planning and execution of operational activities necessary to ensure that business activities are carried out in accordance with company procedures and/or relevant legislation. 3.4.3. Ensuring the security of your operations 3.5. In order to carry out the business processes of the departments in order to carry out the commercial activities of VEVEZ; 3.5.1. Planning, auditing and execution of information security processes 3.5.2. Establishing and managing information technology infrastructure 3.5.3. Follow-up of financial and/or accounting affairs 3.5.4. Follow-up of legal affairs 3.5.5. Planning and execution of business activities 3.5.6. Planning and execution of corporate communication activities 3.5.7. Planning and execution of logistics activities 3.5.8. Planning and execution of operational processes 3.5.9. Planning and follow-up of audit activities 3.6. For the purpose of planning and implementation of VEVEZ's commercial and/or business strategies; 3.6.1. Management of relationships with business partners and/or suppliers 3.6.2. Execution of strategic planning activities 3.6.3. Planning and monitoring the performance evaluation processes of business partners and/or suppliers 3.6.4. Planning processes related to the company's business and strategies 3.6.5. Planning and execution of performance management processes 4. Method and Legal Reason for Collecting Personal Data is collected by VEVEZ electronically or physically via mail/cargo via mobile application, websites, info lines, Call Center and social media accounts that you allow VEVEZ to access. Your personal data may be processed based on the following legal reasons specified in Article 5 of the Law, for the purposes specified in Article 2 of this Information Text: It is clearly provided for in the law It is necessary to process your personal data, provided that it is directly related to the implementation of the contract between you and us. It is mandatory for us to fulfill our legal obligations Your personal data has been made public by you It is mandatory to process your personal data for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right It is necessary for our legitimate interests, provided that it does not harm your fundamental rights and freedoms. In cases where at least one of the legal reasons explained above is not available for the processing of personal data, we act in accordance with the explicit consent of the relevant person for the processing of personal data. 4.1. Use of Cookies and Identification Technologies We process some personal data by using various cookies to increase the experience of the relevant people visiting www.vevez.com on the website and to ensure the best functioning of the website. By using cookies, we aim to provide the best experience to our website visitors and customers. We provide the necessary clarification regarding the personal data we process through these cookies at the time of first entry to the Vevez website, allowing relevant persons to manage their preferences regarding cookies. You can find detailed information about cookies and the personal data we process through cookies in our Cookie Policy. 4.1.1. Vevez Notifications In accordance with the purpose and legal reasons explained in the Customer Personal Data Disclosure Text, Vevez may send instant notifications through the application and communicate via phone and e-mail to its customers who have given their explicit consent. Users can manage their communication preferences for instant notifications from the "Profile" tab of the VEVEZ mobile application. 5. Parties to which Personal Data May Be Transferred and Purpose of Transfer 5.1. VEVEZ may transfer the personal data/special personal data of the data owner to third parties by taking the necessary security measures in line with the data processing purposes of the personal data it has obtained in accordance with the law. 5.2. Your personal data collected by VEVEZ may be shared with our domestic subsidiaries, shareholders, business partners, legally authorized public institutions and private individuals within the scope of the Information Text above. For the same purposes and limited to these, your personal data may be shared with our foreign subsidiaries, shareholders and business partners in accordance with Article 9 of the Law, with your express consent. 6. Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data 6.1. Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not, 6.2. Requesting information if your personal data has been processed, 6.3. Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose, 6.4. Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or abroad, 6.5. Requesting correction of your personal data if it has been processed incorrectly or incompletely, and requesting that the action taken in this context be notified to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred, 6.6. Requesting the deletion or destruction of your personal data and requesting that the action taken in this context be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred, 6.7. Object to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing your processed data exclusively through automatic systems, 6.8. Request compensation for the damage if you suffer damage due to unlawful processing of your personal data. Within the framework of the law, you do not have rights regarding your personal data in the following cases: 6.9. Processing of personal data for purposes such as research, planning and statistics by anonymizing them with official statistics. 6.10. Processing of personal data for artistic, historical, literary or scientific purposes or within the scope of freedom of expression, if it does not violate national defense, national security, public security, public order, economic security, privacy of private life or personal rights or constitute a crime. 6.11. Processing of personal data within the scope of preventive, protective and intelligence activities carried out by public institutions and organizations authorized by law to ensure national defense, national security, public safety, public order or economic security. 6.12. Processing of personal data by judicial authorities or enforcement authorities regarding investigation, prosecution, trial or enforcement proceedings. 7.How Can You Exercise Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data? 7.1. As personal data owners, you can forward your questions regarding your rights to info@vevez.com in accordance with the VEVEZ Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy. 7.2. VEVEZ will finalize the request free of charge as soon as possible and/or within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if an additional cost arises due to fulfilling your requests, legal fees may be charged. 7.3. Applications to be made by personal data owners will be made by one of the following methods, along with documents that will identify the personal data owner: - Filling out the form and sending the wet-signed copy to the company address by hand, through a notary or by registered letter. - The form is signed with the secure electronic signature issued within the scope of the Electronic Signature Law No. 5070 and sent by e-mail, - Sending a request to info@vevez.com , (In this case, in order to determine whether the personal data owner is actually the rightful owner, the relevant person will be contacted via registered phone to identify his/her identity and to determine whether the requester has actually made this application. In this context, the applicant's If the last order information is confirmed and the data owner and the person making the request are matched, the application will be evaluated.) This Information Text may be updated to comply with changing conditions and legal regulations. Updates to be made by our company will be notified on the Website. Updated date: May 2024 8. Protection of Personal Data 8.1. In order to ensure the security of the personal data it processes, VEVEZ ensures that personal data is processed and protected in accordance with the law by taking the administrative and technical measures prescribed in accordance with the relevant legislation. 8.2. In this context, VEVEZ provides a reasonable level of information, including technological possibilities and implementation costs, to process personal data in accordance with the law, to store them in secure environments, to prevent unauthorized access risks and all other unlawful accesses, to prevent data loss, to prevent intentional damage to data and its deletion. takes technical and administrative measures. 8.3. VEVEZ operates the system that ensures that if the processed personal data is obtained by others through illegal means, this situation is notified to the relevant personal data owner as soon as possible. 9 . Personal Data Categorization Personal Data Categorization 9.1. Identity Information: Clearly belonging to an identified or identifiable natural person; processed partially or fully automatically or non-automatically as part of the data recording system; person's identification and insurance data (client and/or VEVEZ personnel) 9.2. Contact Information: Clearly belonging to an identified or identifiable natural person; processed partially or fully automatically or non-automatically as part of the data recording system; Information such as telephone number, address, e-mail address, fax number, IP address 9.3. Location Data: Clearly belonging to an identified or identifiable natural person; processed partially or fully automatically or non-automatically as part of the data recording system; Information identifying the location of the personal data owner's location while using VEVEZ applications of employees of institutions with which VEVEZ cooperates , within the framework of operations carried out by VEVEZ business units. 9.4. Customer Transaction Information: Records regarding the use of our products and services, which are clearly belonging to an identified or identifiable natural person and are included in the data recording system, as well as orders, products, venues, times, selection criteria, payment required for the customer's use of products and services. information such as instructions 9.5. Family Members and Relative Information: Clearly belonging to an identified or identifiable natural person; processed partially or fully automatically or non-automatically as part of the data recording system; Within the framework of the operations carried out by VEVEZ business units, information about the personal data owner's family members, relatives and other persons who can be reached in emergency situations in order to protect the legal and other interests of VEVEZ and the personal data owner. 9.6. Physical Location Security Information: Clearly belongs to an identified or identifiable natural person; processed partially or fully automatically or non-automatically as part of the data recording system; Personal data regarding records and documents taken upon entering the physical location and during the stay in the physical location 9.7. Transaction Security Information: Clearly belongs to an identified or identifiable natural person and is included in the data recording system; Personal data such as IP address, log in credentials (system login information), logging of resources accessed by suppliers while providing support services, user movements specific to the wallet system (such as password reset, password creation) processed to ensure our technical, administrative, legal and commercial security while carrying out our commercial activities. . 9.8. Incident Management Information: Information and evaluations collected about events that are associated with the personal data owner and have the potential to affect our company, its employees and shareholders. 9.9. Financial Information: Clearly belonging to an identified or identifiable natural person; processed partially or fully automatically or non-automatically as part of the data recording system; Personal data processed regarding information, documents and records showing all kinds of financial results created according to the type of legal relationship that VEVEZ has established with the personal data owner, and data such as bank account number, IBAN number, credit card information, financial profile, asset data, income information. 9.10. Visual and Audio Data: Clearly belonging to an identified or identifiable natural person; Photographs and camera records (except records included within the scope of Physical Space Security Information), voice recordings and data contained in documents that are copies of documents containing personal data 9.11. Legal Transaction and Compliance Information: Clearly belongs to an identified or identifiable natural person and is included in the data recording system; Personal data processed within the scope of determining and pursuing our legal receivables and rights and fulfilling our debts, as well as compliance with our legal obligations and our company's policies. 9.12. Audit and Inspection Information: Information regarding audit and inspection records, reports and examinations carried out within this scope, and the information and comments collected, associated with the personal data owner. 9.13. Marketing Information: Clearly belongs to an identified or identifiable natural person and is included in the data recording system; Personal data processed for the marketing of our products and services by customizing them in line with the usage habits, tastes and needs of the personal data owner, and reports and evaluations created as a result of this processing. 9.14. Commercial and workplace information; Company information, tax number, trade registry information, workplace address, telephone, fax, email information, number of tables for restaurants, capacity, kitchen type, number of employees, menu, POS, campaign, commercial account, etc. 9.15. Reputation Management Information: Information associated with the person and collected for the purpose of protecting the commercial reputation of our company (for example, information from the Complaintvar website, information collected from Twitter and Facebook regarding the posts made against our company, senior managers and shareholders, evaluation reports prepared regarding this and the actions taken regarding this. related information 9.16. Request/ Complaint Management Information: Clearly belonging to an identified or identifiable natural person; processed partially or fully automatically or non-automatically as part of the data recording system; Personal data regarding the receipt and evaluation of any requests or complaints directed to VEVEZ 10. Principles Regarding the Storage Period of Personal Data Personal data is stored by VEVEZ for the periods stipulated in the relevant legislation and in line with its legal obligations. It is then deleted, destroyed or made anonymous. If personal data whose purpose of processing has expired and personal data requested to be deleted/anonymized by personal data owners have reached the end of the retention periods determined by the relevant legislation and VEVEZ; It can only be stored to serve as evidence in possible legal disputes or to assert the relevant right related to personal data or to establish a defense. When determining the storage period of personal data, VEVEZ is based on the statute of limitations stipulated in the relevant legislation. Personal data stored for this purpose is only accessed by limited persons when it needs to be used in the relevant legal dispute and is not accessed for any other purpose other than this purpose. At the end of this period, personal data is deleted, destroyed or anonymized. 11. VEVEZ Management Structure Regarding the Protection and Processing of Personal Data A Personal Data Protection Committee has been established within the company within VEVEZ to manage this Policy, related policies and other outputs, and to monitor and ensure the continuity of the compliance process with the Law. The duties of this Committee are; To create, update and enforce basic policies regarding the protection and processing of personal data. To take actions regarding the implementation and control of policies regarding the protection and processing of personal data, and to ensure coordination by assigning internal company assignments. To ensure compliance with the law and relevant legislation and to follow the developments regarding the protection and processing of personal data and to take the necessary actions within this framework. To raise awareness within VEVEZ and among the institutions with which VEVEZ cooperates regarding the protection and processing of personal data. To evaluate the applications of personal data owners and to resolve them in accordance with the law. To identify risks that may occur in VEVEZ's personal data processing activities and to ensure that necessary precautions are taken.
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